RL Partners

Facility: el cotizador para que nunca más tomes riesgos a la ligera

The context

The problem

The company has an all-risk insurance policy product, which includes coverage for Property Damage, Civil Liability, Global Commercial Management, Transportation of Valuables, and Transportation of Goods.

Quoting this product was a tedious task that required the assistance of a sales advisor and was done through an Excel file—a mutable document prone to human error and loss of information. The process was slow and could sometimes take weeks, leading to a lack of interest from the client in the proposal.

The solution

We proposed developing an online quoting tool that would allow for an immediate proposal for the all-risk insurance policy  program without the need for a sales agent.

How did we do it?

1 Project Scope

The main focus was to align with the business vision to develop a brief for the project, supported by market research, a competitor benchmark, and an analysis of insurance platforms with attractive features. We then held an immersive session with the client to discuss the challenges and develop the value proposition. The client provided an Excel file with rates, modules, and conditions, which became key inputs for building the final list of user stories that complemented the necessary features to develop the prototype.

2 Key UX/UI Sections

We began by prototyping a visual representation of the flowchart provided by the RL Partners team . This allowed the client to see exactly how the quoting tool would look. After a few observations and adjustments regarding the UX/UI, the client approved the proposed look and feel.

3 Complete UX/UI Tool

Once the key sections were approved, we extended the design to the remaining screens, developing the complete tool.

4 QA and BETA Phase

A BETA version was launched and tested with the company’s sales team. After identifying errors and suggestions, we refined the tool for final integration into the client’s website. 

Key features

La herramienta toma los datos registrados por el cliente y los almacena en la base de datos.
Tras almacenar los datos el sistema envía un correo al asesor comercial informándole que un usuario inició una nueva cotización.
El sistema muestra las pólizas disponibles y sus coberturas para que el cliente pueda decidir cuales tomar.
El cliente llena la información de su empresa, elige la vigencia de su cobertura y actividad económica para recibir las coberturas de las pólizas que está por contratar.
El cliente puede crear múltiples predios a asegurar.
El sistema encuentra la categoría del predio según el uso del predio y la actividad de la empresa.
Los campos diligenciados tienen impacto directo sobre los valores asegurados en la cotización.
El cliente selecciona los valores que desea asegurar para cada una de las pólizas.
La plataforma permite ver los valores asegurados para cada póliza, requisitos de inspección y primas por aseguradora.
La herramienta analiza y marca en verde la propuesta de la aseguradora más favorable.
Al finalizar, la herramienta le permite al cliente descargar su propuesta.
La herramienta se desarrolló como un plugin de WordPress para facilitar su integración con el sitio web.
Este plugin cuenta con un módulo de administración que permite a los asesores exportar las cotizaciones en diversos formatos y por aseguradora.
La herramienta permite enviar un correo al cliente para que termine de diligenciar la cotización en caso de que esté incompleta.

The results

Agility: Quotes generated through the system are instantaneous.

Versatility: The tool allows for quotes to be exported in different formats (XLSX or PDF).

Autonomy: The Facility enables clients to create quotes without the assistance of a sales executive from RL Partners.

Customer Loyalty: The quoting tool helps consolidate a database of leads and follow up with potential clients.

Traceability: RL Partners now has a record of every quote generated through the system.

Accuracy: Quoting through the tool reduces the risk of human error during the process.